LEGION Simulator Help

Showing or hiding Conditional Analyses and Graphs

In LEGION Model Builder it is possible to set up one or many 'Conditional' analyses, which serve to provide metrical data for Direction Modifiers using conditions, or other Spatial Objects that use conditions to control their Availability. To de-clutter your workspace, you may like to hide them from various areas of LEGION Simulator to avoid confusion.

Hiding 'Conditional' analyses (and all associated graphs) will remove them from: the Object Directory, the 'Edit ,<analysis>' dialog box, the Timeline's 'Save Graph' event dialog box, the 'Graphs' right-click menu, and the 'Find' tool's results list.

To hide Conditional analyses:

  1. Select Analysis > Project Settings.
  2. To hide 'Conditional' analyses within the Object Directory, in the 'Edit <analysis>' dialog box and from 'Find' search results, check the box labelled 'Hide conditional analyses'.
  3. Click OK to close Project Settings.